Thursday, December 29, 2016

#1206 Queen's Gambit Miniature

This afternoon, I won a 7-move Queen's Gambit miniature at
6.Ne5!! is a theoretical novelty & the correct ECO code for the game is D21.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

#1205 Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays to all my chess friends, acquaintances and readers.

#1204 Westfield CC Closed Today & Next Sunday

The Westfield Chess Club will be closed today, Sunday, December 25th, & next Sunday.

Its next tournament will be G/45 Quads on Sunday, January 8th, 2017.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

#1203 Chess Mates' New Year's Eve Quads

On Saturday, December 31st Rahway's Chess Mates will be running G/45 Quads.
Registration starts at 12 noon. The first round is at 12:30.

Chess Mates New Year's Eve Quads
3-RR. G/40 d5. 75 East Cherry Street, Suite 11, Rahway, NJ 07065. EF: $25, $20 members. Prizes: $60 to 1st in each section. Register: 12 noon-12:25 p.m. Rounds: 12:30, 2:15, 4:00 p.m. Information: email John at

Saturday, December 17, 2016

#1202 Today's Chess Mates Tourney Canceled

Today's tournament at Chess Mates has been cancelled, due to wintry weather & travel concerns.

G/45 Quads on December 31st have been added to the schedule:

Chess Mates New Year's Eve Quads 

3-RR. G/40 d5. 75 East Cherry Street, Suite 11, Rahway, NJ 07065. EF: $25, $20 members. Prizes: $60 to 1st in each section. Register: 12 noon-12:25 p.m. Rounds: 12:30, 2:15, 4:00 p.m. Information: email John at

Sunday, July 10, 2016


New ...
Flip Board
Board 1  G/55+5 (delay)  A38 English Opening  Symmetrical Defense  (by transposition - 7.c4) 1.e4!? I thought about playing e3 but decided to take a full leap. c5 2.Nf3 g6 The Hyper-Accelerated Dragon, something I've never used or played against. 3.d3 3.c3 ∆Bg7 3...d5 4.exd5 Qxd5 is another way to play. 4.d4 is probably best but, since my foe likely knows that better than I do, let's try a K's Indian Attack. 3...Bg7 4.g3 Nc6 5.Bg2 e5 5...d6 is more flexible. 6.0-0 Nf6 This is fine but I prefer 6...d6 with the options of ...Nge7 & ...f5. 7.c4 On 2nd thought... let's play an English. 7.Nc3 makes a Closed Sicilian. 7.Nbd2 remains a Reti. 7...0-0 8.Nc3 d6 9.h3 This is the most common move in the position. It prepares a possible Be3 & stops ...Bg4. Be6 Diagram
Instead of copying with 9...h6 Black breaks the symmetry. 10.Nd5N There have been 3 games with 10.Be3 2 with 10.Kh2 1 with 10.Bg5 & 1 with 10.Ng5 10...Qd7 11.Kh2 Rfe8 This misplaces the R & leaves f6 weak. 11...Rab8 ∆12.Bg5 Ne8= 11...h6? loses a P to 12.Bxh6!± /\ Bxh6? 13.Nxf6+ Kg7 14.Nxd7+- 12.Bg5 Here 12.Bh6?! is neutralized by Nxd5 Again, not 12...Bxh6?? 13.Nxf6++- 13.Bxg7 Nc3 14.bxc3 Kxg7 12...Bxd5 13.cxd5 Nd4 14.Nxd4 cxd4 14...exd4 15.Qd2 15.Rc1! ∆Rac8?! 15...Rec8 , clearing e8 for the N, is right. 16.Qf3!± 15...Rac8 16.f4?! 16.Rfc1 16...Nh5? 16...exf4 17.gxf4 Qa4= /\ ...Rc2 would have restored the balance. 17.f5? 17.Bf3! exf4 ≤17...h6 18.Bh4 17...f6?! 18.Bg4 Qe7 19.Bh4 18.Bxh5! fxg3+ 19.Kxg3 Be5+ 20.Bf4 gxh5 21.Bxe5 Rxe5 22.Qh6 /\ Rf6 would have given me a clear plus. 17...f6 18.Bh6 18.Bh4 g5 19.Bf3 gxh4 20.Bxh5 hxg3+ 21.Kxg3 Re7 was little or no better. 18...g5 18...Bxh6 19.Qxh6 Qg7 &, with the veiled attack on g3, White is forced into 20.Qxg7+ Kxg7= 19.Bxg7 Nxg7 20.Rac1 Rc7? This lets me take control of the c-file. 20...Red8= as Ram suggested in the post-mortem. 21.Rxc7 Qxc7 22.Rc1 Qd7 23.Qb4 h5 24.Bf3?! 24.Qc4 keeps a firm grip on the position. 24...Rd8 24...Rc8 ∆25.Rxc8+ or 25.Rc4 Rc7 26.Be2 25...Qxc8 26.Qxd6?! h4! 27.Qxf6?? Qc2+ 28.Bg2 hxg3+ 29.Kxg3 Nh5+-+ 25.Qc4 h4? 25...Rf8± ∆26.Qc7 Qxc7 27.Rxc7 Rf7 26.Qc7?! 26.gxh4 gxh4 27.Qc2 26...hxg3+ 27.Kxg3 Ne8?? Now White wins. 27...Kf7± 28.Qxd7 Rxd7 29.Rc8 Kf8 30.Bh5 Re7 31.Kg4 Black is reduced to P moves. His K & R are bound to the pinned, twice-attacked N. b6 32.Bg6 a6 33.Kh5 b5 34.b4 Zugzwang! Kg7 Instead of throwing in the towel, Ram sends the steed to the glue factory. 35.Bxe8 Ra7 36.Rd8 a5 37.Rd7+ Rxd7 38.Bxd7 Black resigns.    Time left - Moldovan 13:49, Damodaran 33:15 Estimated time used - Moldovan 44:21, Damodaran 24:55    Longest think by White - 6 minutes for 18.Bh6  Longest think by Black - 4 minutes for 16...Nh5? 38.Bxd7 After axb4 39.Bxb5 Kh7 40.Be8 Kg7 41.Bg6 Kg8 42.Kh6 Kf8 or 42...Kh8 43.Bf7 43.Kh7 Ke7 44.Kg7 Black has to shed Ps.
  • Start an analysis engine:
  • Try maximizing the board:
  • Use the four cursor keys to replay the game. Make moves to analyse yourself.
  • Press Ctrl-B to rotate the board.
  • Drag the split bars between window panes.
  • Download&Clip PGN/GIF/FEN/QR Codes. Share the game.
  • Games viewed here will automatically be stored in your cloud clipboard (if you are logged in). Use the cloud clipboard also in ChessBase.
  • Create an account to access the games cloud.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

#1200 Stoyko Wins U.S. Senior Championship

FM Steve Stoyko has won the U.S. Senior Championship, on tiebreaks over IM Mark Ginsburg.

Stoyko, 7-time N.J. State Champion and 3-time Kenilworth Chess Club Champion, drew GM Alexander Ivanov in round 4 and defeated FM Karl Dehmelt in round 5.

photo credit: Michael Goeller

Friday, April 22, 2016

#1199 Kenilworth Champion!!


I won the 2016 Kenilworth Chess Club Championship last night!

After opening with a loss to Ed Selling, I rebounded with victories over LM Mark Kernighan & Bob Sherry, to gain a share of the lead, then got away with hanging my Queen against Greg Tomkovich. Having the tiebreaks, I was able to wrap-up the title with a 17-move draw against Geoff McAuliffe.

Joe Renna was the Reserve Section winner.

Games to follow.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

#1198 Kenilworth Club Championship Starts Tonight

A reminder: The 25th annual Kenilworth Chess Club Championship starts tonight.

Here are the tournament details:

  • 5-RR.
  • 2 sections: Championship & Reserve
  • G/75 with 5 second delay time control.
  • Rounds will commence at 8:30 p.m. on March 17, 24 & 31 + April 14 & 21.
  • Postponed games from Rounds 1-3 will be made-up on April 7th. Postponed games from rounds 4-5 or 4-7 will be made-up on April 28th
  • Cost: $10 entry fee + dues + $5 anti-forfeit deposit = $35 for most players.
  • KCC membership is required. Dues for 2016 are $10 for age 17 or less, $10 for those age 65+, $20 for everyone else.
  • Prizes: Trophies to winners of each section. Other trophies (based on the number of participants) to be awarded.
  • Register with Treasurer Geoff McAuliffe during our 3/3 and 3/10 meetings or before 8:25 p.m. on 3/17 @ Kenilworth Community Center, 575 Boulevard, Kenilworth, N.J.
  • The Tournament Committee reserves the right to make changes as are deemed necessary for the good maintenance of the tournament.
Past Champions include LM Scott Massey (who has won the title 12x), Rene Ray (1996), FM Steve Stoyko (2005-2007), LM Mark Kernighan (2008, 2015), IM Yaacov Norowitz (2009), LM Arthur Macaspac (2010, 2012), NM Ken Chieu (2011) and FM Praveen Balakrishnan (2013, 2014).
9 players took part in last year's event.

Round by round coverage of the tournament will be posted on the KCC Tournaments blog and/or the Chess Coroner blog.
For stories of past championships, see the 2005 Club Championship website, 2006 Championship website, the Chess Coroner blog and the KCC Tournaments blog.

Post updated 3/25/2016 @ 2:32 p.m.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

#1197 Reminder: Balakrishnan Simul Tonight In Kenilworth

FM/SM Praveen Balakrishnan will be giving a simul at the Kenilworth Chess Club tonight. The exhibition will begin at 8:15.

The participation fee is $5. Proceeds will go toward refreshments.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

#1195 Chess Mates Closed Tomorrow

Chess Mates has canceled tomorrow's classes and will be closed all day.

They will re-open Wednesday evening.

#1194 Chess Mates Closed Today, Due To Blizzard

Chess Mates has canceled its Saturday Swiss and will be closed today.

Union County is under a Blizzard Warning,

NJ Transit service has been suspended.

#1193 Hamilton Quads Canceled, Due To Blizzard

Today's Hamilton Chess Club Quads have been canceled.

Mercer County is under a Blizzard Warning. NJ Governor Christie has declared a state of emergency.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

#1192 Swap Meet Tonight In Kenilworth

Tonight the Kenilworth Chess Club is having a swap meet.

If you have chess books/equipment that you want to sell or trade, arrive early (8:00 p.m. or a little before) to set-up.

Buyers are advised to do the same. Otherwise, they may miss out on the good stuff!

At the first swap meet, in November 2014, I exchanged Deep Rybka 3, Fritz 12, Corr Database 2009, a set of plastic pieces, Modern Chess Opening Strategy, How To Win The Won Game + books on Morphy, Keres, Tal, Karpov and the Poisoned Pawn French into the 5 books pictured above & some cash.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

#1191 Balakrishnan Simul In Kenilworth On 1/28

The Kenilworth Chess Club is very pleased to announce that FIDE Master Praveen Balakrishnan will be giving a simultaneous exhibition on January 28th.

Praveen, who won the 2013 and 2014 Kenilworth Championships, is the 3rd highest-rated 13-year old in the United States and the 16th highest-rated player in New Jersey. He also stands 16th in the World in his age-group.

Here are the full details :

Simultaneous Exhibition
by FM Praveen Balakrishnan

January 28th, 2016
8:15 p.m.

Kenilworth Recreation Center
575 Boulevard
Kenilworth, NJ 07033

$5 participation fee to defer the cost of refreshments.
Praveen is not accepting any money for the simul!!

Non-members welcome!

Please arrive early (the club opens at 8 p.m.) so we can have everyone seated and ready to go at starting time.


Photo credit: John Moldovan

Monday, January 11, 2016

#1190 Leon Hrebinka Memorial Swiss Starts 2/4

Leon Hrebinka Memorial Swiss
February 4-25, 2016
  • USCF-rated!
  • 4-round Swiss.
  • Time Control: G/55+5 second increment.
  • Site: Kenilworth Community Center, 575 Boulevard, Kenilworth, N.J. 07033
  • 1 game per week.
  • Rounds to start at 8:30 p.m. on February 4, 11, 18 & 25.
  • Please register with Geoff McAuliffe or John Moldovan during the Kenilworth CC's January meetings or before 8:25 p.m. on February 4th.
  • 1 half-point bye per player allowed. Must commit before the end of round 2.
  • Late-joins accepted until round 2 is paired.
  • Entry fee: $5.
  • Prize fund: 100% of EF minus rating fee.
  • Number of prizes (b/10 entries): 3. More players = more prizes.
  • Projected prizes (b/10 entries): $20 1st, $15 2nd, $10 U1800.
  • Players must have a valid USCF membership that is active through to the final date of the tournament.
  • The Tournament Committee reserves the right to make changes as are deemed necessary for the good maintenance of the tournament as allowed by USCF rules.
  • A non-rated section will be added if there are at least 4 players requesting one.

Photo credit: Joe Renna

#1189 40 Years Of Friendship Lecture In Kenilworth

On Thursday, March 10th, at 8:15 p.m., the Kenilworth Chess Club will present a lecture by FIDE Master/ Correspondence IM Wayne Conover and National Master Gene Salomon, co-authors (along with NM Steve Pozarek) of 40 Years Of Friendship, 100 Games Of Chess.

Admission is $5.

Post revised 1.13.2016 @ 2:10 p.m.

Thursday, January 07, 2016

#1188 Norowitz Lecture Tonight In Kenilworth

International Master Yaacov Norowitz will be giving a lecture at the Kenilworth CC tonight, beginning at 8:15.

The topic: Color Complexes.

Admission is $5.

#1187 Kenilworth CC Calendar For 2016

Kenilworth Chess Club
2016 Calendar of Events
  • The Leon Hrebinka Memorial Swiss, which (weather permitting) will run February 4-25.
  • The Club Championship, which will begin March 17th.
  • The Summer Tournament, which, as usual, will run June through August.
January 7 - Lecture by IM Yaacov Norowitz. Admission: $5.
January 14 - Skittles + Officers & Trustees Meeting.
January 21 - Swap Meet. Sale & trade of chess books & equipment. Members & invited guests only. If you are a non-member and would like to attend, email a request to John Moldovan by January 20th.
January 28 - 40 Years Of Friendship, 100 Games Lecture by FM/Correspondence IM Wayne Conover, NM Steve Pozarek & NM Eugene Salomon. Admission: $5. (date tentative)
February 4 - Leon Hrebinka Memorial Swiss: Round 1. (Details to be announced)
February 11 - Leon Hrebinka Memorial Swiss: Round 2.
February 18 - Leon Hrebinka Memorial Swiss: Round 3.
February 25 - Leon Hrebinka Memorial Swiss: Round 4.
March 3 - Garden State Chess League match: Summit at Kenilworth
March 10 - Lecture by LM Scott Massey. Admission: $5. (date tentative)
March 17 - 25th Annual Kenilworth Chess Club Championship: Round 1, 8:30 p.m.
Here are the rules of the tournament:
  • 5 to 7 rounds. We are planning to have 2 sections: a 6-8 player Open Round-Robin & a Reserve Swiss.
  • G/75 with 5 second delay time control.
  • Rounds will commence at 8:30 p.m. on March 17, 24 & 31 + April 14 & 21.
  • If we have a 7-round tournament, rounds will also take place on April 28th & May 12th.
  • Postponed games from Rounds 1-3 will be made-up on April 7th. Postponed games from rounds 4-5 or 4-7 will be made-up on April 28th or May 19th.
  • Cost: $10 entry fee + dues + $5 anti-forfeit deposit = $35 for most players.
  • KCC is required. Dues for 2016 are $10 for age 17 or less, $10 for those age 65+, $20 for everyone else.
  • Register with Treasurer Geoff McAuliffe during our 3/3 and 3/10 meetings or before 8:25 p.m. on 3/17 @ Kenilworth Community Center, 575 Boulevard, Kenilworth, N.J. Late-joins accepted until round 2 is paired.
March 24 - Club Championship: Round 2, 8:30 p.m.
March 31 - Club Championship: Round 3, 8:30 p.m.
April 7 - Club Championship: Postponed games from rounds 1-3.
April 14 - Club Championship: Round 4.
April 21 - Club Championship: Round 5.
April 28 - Club Championship: Round 6, if necessary, or postponed games from rounds 4-5.
May 5 - GSCL Playoff match: Kenilworth vs. a team TBA (tentative)
May 12 - Club Championship: Round 7, if necessary.
May 19 - Club Championship: Postponed games from rounds 4-7. (date tentative)
May 26 - Club Championship: Awards Ceremony. (date tentative)
June 2 - Kenilworth Summer Tournament: Week 1 of 13.
June 9- Kenilworth Summer Tournament: Week 2.
June 16- Kenilworth Summer Tournament: Week 3.
June 23- Kenilworth Summer Tournament: Week 4.
June 30- Kenilworth Summer Tournament: Week 5.
July 7 - Kenilworth Summer Tournament: Week 6.
July 14 - Kenilworth Summer Tournament: Week 7.
July 21 - Kenilworth Summer Tournament: Week 8.
July 28 - Kenilworth Summer Tournament: Week 9.
August 4 - Kenilworth Summer Tournament: Week 10.
August 11 - Kenilworth Summer Tournament: Week 11.
August 18 - Kenilworth Summer Tournament: Week 12.
August 25 - Kenilworth Summer Tournament: Week 13.
September 1 - Garden State Chess League Business Meeting.
September 8 - To be announced.
September 15 - To be announced.
September 22 - To be announced.
September 29 - To be announced.
October 6 - Garden State Chess League match: Kenilworth vs. a team TBA (tentative).
October 13 - To be announced.
October 20 - To be announced.
October 27 - To be announced.
November 3 - Garden State Chess League match: Kenilworth vs. a team TBA (tentative).
November 10 - To be announced.
November 17 - To be announced.
November 24 - NO MEETING. Closed for Thanksgiving.

December 1 - Garden State Chess League match: Kenilworth vs. a team TBA (tentative).
December 8 - To be announced.
December 15 - To be announced.
December 22 - Holiday Party and Business Meeting.
December 29 - To be announced.