Saturday, December 30, 2006

#48 Loose Ends

I've uploaded 6 leftovers (4 annotated) from this year's Kenilworth schedule; including...

- The 3rd-best game by a 2006 opponent
A29 Goeller 1-0 Moldovan : Kenilworth Thematic 05/04/2006

- My 2nd-best game of 2006
C16 Stephan 0-1 Moldovan : Kenilworth vs. West Orange 06/27/2006

- My worst game of 2006 :
D34 Moldovan 0-1 Garcia : Kenilworth vs. Roselle 11/16/2006.

The other best of 2006 games are contained in post #50.

Here's is the Loose Ends Java-replay page & its zipped PGN file.

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