1. Greg Tomkovich missed a win in his loss to Joe Demetrick.

after 18.Ndb5??
Black to win
after 18.Ndb5??
Black to win
I originally thought I had played poorly but, as it turns out, laboring through an unfamiliar opening (Ruy Lopez) & ending in a really funky position (see below) gave a false-impression.

after 23...Qf6
after 23...Qf6
Here, once again the 8th-round Java-replay page & zipped PGN file.
Hi John, I respectfully disagree
with Fritz on whites 19th.I don't think it would end up much differently though!
Take care, Ed
Hi John
Sorry but you you have an error in the score of my game vs Joe. White played 11 g4( as suggested in your note), not 11 a4. This will obviously change your subsequent analysis. I did not have the win which you suggested.
Also 8.. Re8! is absolutely neccessary to prevent Bh6. 8.. Nc6? is answered by 9 Nxc6 bxc6 10 Bh6!.
Thanks for the input, guys. Glad you are reading the blog & paying close attention.
Okay Greg. I'll re-do your game when I get a chance.
Again, I apologize to the readers for all the errors.
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