The upcoming Scott Massey lecture has been moved to December 2nd. Thus, the
Kenilworth Chess Club's G/30 Swiss will take place after all, as originially scheduled, on November 11 & 18.
Also, the Annual Business Meeting will now be held along with the Holiday Party, on December 23rd.
Below is the revised KCC Calendar for the rest of the year (changes underlined):
November 4 - Garden State Chess League matches (Summit-Karpovs & Staten Island-Hamilton)
November 11 - USCF Rated KCC G/30 Swiss - Rounds 1 and 2 ($10 EF)
November 18 - USCF Rated KCC G/30 Swiss - Rounds 3 and 4
November 25 - NO MEETING Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday
December 2 - NM Scott Massey lecture on the 2010 World Championship ($5 EF)
December 9 - Kenilworth Consultation Game #6, week 1
December 16 - Kenilworth Consultation Game #6, week 2
December 23 - Holiday Party and Annual Business Meeting
December 30 -
Casual Chess