Thursday, February 26, 2009

#461 Checkmate Ch. - Final Round

The Checkmate Championship concluded on Sunday with the following results :

Mann 0-1 Kernighan
Sherry 1/2-1/2 Minkov
Wu +- Shiffman
Azzarello 0-1 Renna

Bob Sherry reports on his game : "Against Ari, I was up a pawn early but he had a strong king side attack. I think he had a winning combination in the late middle game but missed it. We were both starting to feel the pressure of the clock at that point. In any case, I had to give up the exchange for a pawn & reached an endgame where I thought I was at least even. However, I failed to find the win and the game was drawn."

Final standings :

1. Kernighan 5.0
2. Minkov 3.5
3. Carrelli 3.0
= 4-6. Sherry, Moldovan, Wu 2.5
= 7-8. Mann, Renna 2.0
9. Shiffman 1.5
10. Azzarello 1.0

A wrap-up with a crosstable & ChessBase file of all games will follow at some point.

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