Tuesday, February 22, 2011

#783 USATE - Day 3

The Kenilworth Niners were upset 3-1 in round 5 but finished-up with a 3.5-0.5 victory over a visiting Chinese team.

I lost to David Kim (1794), won against unrated Wu Haoran and may drop below 1800.

Moldovan - Kim
D16 Queen's Gambit
Slav Defense

Highlight: 26.Rxc6!, sacking an Exchange for 2 pawns.

Haoran - Moldovan
C02 French Defense
Advance Variation

Highlights: 33...b5! and 34...b4!, exploiting the Ra3, breaking-up White's pawn chain and creating connected passers.

PGN of my 4 games in the event. A more thorough, final version may follow.

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