Friday, July 06, 2018

#1327 Kenilworth Summer Tournament - Round 10 Results

Kernighan defeated Hunt and is now tied for first.

Lazarus scored 1.5/2 and is now clear 3rd.

I had win and a draw, improving my record to +6-1=2.

Results, by board number:

1. Hunt 0-1 Kernighan
2. Lazarus 1-0 Benitez
3. Mazzillo 0-1 Moldovan
3. Lazarus 1/2-1/2 Moldovan
4. Pluviose 1/2-1/2 McAuliffe
5. Gottlieb 1-0 Dovydaitis

Standings after round 10 of 13:

Corrected 7/28 @ 9:13 a.m.

= 1-2. Kernighan, Abujawdeh 11.0
3. Lazarus 8.5
= 4-5. Camejo, Moldovan 7.0
= 6-7. Benitez, Malko 5.0
= 8-9. Hunt, McAuliffe 3.0
= 10-12. Tomkovich, Gottlieb, Pluviose 2.5
13. Dovydaitis 2.0
14. Mazzillo 1.0
= 15-18. J. Renna, Vinson, Advani, Ruales 0.0

The current prize amounts and leaders for them are:

1st place $34 (Kernighan & Abujawdeh $25.50 each)
2nd place $17
3rd place $8.50 (Lazarus)
U1600 $8.50 (Gottlieb, Pluviose $4.25 ea.)
Under age 18 $8.50 (---)
Under age 13 $8.50 (Malko).

If we do not get another U18 player we shall instead award a 65+ prize.

Registration is expected to remain open for the entire tournament.


For full event details see post #1308.

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